Insurance Bad Faith in Pennsylvania
Authored by Post & Schell Insurance Law Department Senior Counsel Richard L. McMonigle, Jr.,, for over 20 years Insurance Bad Faith in Pennsylvania, has been the trusted, go-to reference in Pennsylvania—for busy practicing attorneys, insurer in-house legal departments, claims professionals, judges, and law clerks alike.
This clearly-written, straightforward volume examines every important issue relating to bad faith lawsuits under Pennsylvania’s common law and under §8371—Pennsylvania’s “Bad Faith Statute.”
What's New in the 20th Edition:
- Summaries of all significant bad faith cases, organized by category.
- Discussion of over 100 new trial and appellate court opinions.
- Update on the important punitive damages case, Berg v. Nationwide Ins. Co.
- In-depth analysis of the hottest topics in the field, including:
- Federal court dismissal of bad faith complaints under Iqbal and Twombly decisions.
- The questionable expansion of first- and third-party common law bad faith.
- Bad faith claims seeking compensatory and consequential damages.
- Post-Koken UM and UIM bad faith claims.
- Disputes over delay in payment and settlement negotiations
- Discussion of strategic considerations in presenting, and defending against, bad faith claims.
- The latest court decisions dealing with discovery battles over claims-handling documents.
- Updated Verdict Index, summarizing bad faith trial verdicts in Pennsylvania.
Disclaimer: This post does not offer specific legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. You should not reach any legal conclusions based on the information contained in this post without first seeking the advice of counsel.