Jim Malone Co-Presents at Philadelphia Bar Association Bench-Bar Conference on Oct. 12
On October 12, 2018, James R. Malone, Jr. was a co-presenter at the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Bench Bar Conference. Malone appeared on behalf of the Tax Section in conjunction with representatives from the Probate Section and the Solo and Small Firm Management Committee for the program “Estate Planning for the Solo And Small Firm Practitioner: How to Plan During Your Lifetime and How to Administer a Practice Upon Death.”
The program outlined some of the complications that arise when a solo practitioner or a partner in a small firm dies without adequate plans in place to handle the lawyer’s responsibilities. The panel also outlined methods to incorporate a practitioner’s law practice into his or her estate plan, and to administer an estate or a solo practitioner or practitioner in a small firm to assure that the practitioner’s clients are properly and ethically transitioned.