Insurance Bad Faith in New Jersey
New Jersey bad faith law presents challenges to attorneys for claimants and insurers alike, as many procedural and substantive issues remain unresolved.
The 4th Edition of Insurance Bad Faith in New Jersey is authored by Post & Schell Insurance Law Chair Richard L. McMonigle, Jr. and published by The Legal Intelligencer and American Lawyer Media. Insurance Bad Faith in New Jersey is a single volume collection of New Jersey Law on bad faith litigation. It analyzes the judicial reasoning behind the court decisions, cites relevant statutory and regulatory authority, and identifies the legal theories the practitioner may encounter.
Insurance Bad Faith in New Jersey includes:
- Detailed summaries of all significant New Jersey and federal bad faith decisions organized by category
- In-depth analysis of all relevant topics in the field
- Procedural and strategic considerations in bringing and defending against a bad faith claim
- Discussion of the hot issues facing policyholders and their insurers
Click here for more information and/or to purchase the book >>
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