Health Care Principal Steve Fox Presents on Cloud Computing Considerations for the Health Care Industry at PBI's 20th Annual Health Law Institute
On March 14, 2014, Health Care Principal and Information Technology Practice Group Chair Steven J. Fox presented, "Danger Lurking in the 'Clouds'," at the Pennsylvania Bar Association's (PBI) 20th Annual Health Law Institute. The presentation will take place at 3:45 PM ET in the Philadelphia Convention Center.
PBI's annual Health Law Institute provides attendees with education and insight on innovative concepts, current trends, and legal updates, as well as professional networking, first class reference materials and a top notch faculty. The Institute has a proven track record of teaching practical and realistic solutions to everyday and unexpected problems in health law.
No matter where you look today, it’s hard to avoid the enticement of “cloud computing.” Whether it’s backup storage, electronic medical records or legal/accounting software, every vendor seems to have moved their operations to the proverbial “cloud.” What does it mean to use a cloud-based vendor and what issues are uniquely present in every contract involving cloud computing? Mr. Fox's presentation explored the importance of service level agreements, performance issues, privacy and security, indemnification, limitations of liability and warranties.