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White Collar Chair Ron Levine and Associate Abe Rein Featured in Philadelphia Inquirer Articles Examining Elonis Case Before the U.S. Supreme Court

Internal Investigations & White Collar Defense Chair Ronald H. Levine and Associate Abraham J. Rein are featured in November 27 and December 2, 2014 Philadelphia Inquirer articles that examine the United States Supreme Court Case,  Anthony D. Elonis vs. United States.

Levine and Rein led the appeal in the case, which may ultimately help decide "how prosecutors, judges, and juries should evaluate seemingly threatening language" or a "true threat" on the Internet. 

The November 27 article explains:

"What makes the case unusual is that the threatening language was posted on the Internet. Experts on both sides of the case say that threats over the Internet are more difficult to distinguish from mere hyperbole because the sender and recipient are separated, and often don't even know one another."

Click here to read full article.

Related Resources:

06.18.2014 - Press Release - U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Post & Schell Client's First Amendment/Facebook Case >>